/ reviews

I review things

Here I document my experiences with things I have used. The things can be mobile applications, web applications, physical products,...

  • October 9, 2024

    I used hygraph cms

    Hygraph cms formerly has name graph cms. As the name explains its main selling point which is a headless cms and provide graphql api. I used hygraph cms for my personal site before. Generally I was happy with what I got for free however I did not have much time to learn how to extend the cms functions.

  • October 7, 2024

    I used quill editor

    there are many editors for react but mainly can be classified into two types: based on blocks and based on html markups. The quill editor is in the second category which is a editor independent from react and there is a wrapper for it. The quill editor is lightweight however it is not as powerful as other block based editors like lexical editor

  • September 21, 2024

    I tried shacdn, a react UI library

    Shacdn is an UI library built on tailwindcss and Radix. Shacdn provides a new way to integrate with your code base. Instead of being as a library under node_modules, Shacdn provides a command to add its code bases as a part of your projects. I have been using Shacdn for several of my projects.

  • September 21, 2024

    I tried Tamagui, a react native UI library

    I have been using Tamagui for my several mobile applications and now I will share my views on Tamagui

  • September 19, 2024

    I tried Sanity CMS

    There are probably thousands CMSes out here and each of them has its own strength and weakness. It is hard to say which one is best, it all depends on your needs. Today I will review my experiences with Sanity CMS which I am using for my personal site