/ react native libraries to install after expo setup

React native libraries to install after expo setup

After setting up expo you are ready to develop your applications, you probably do not need extra libraries to develop your apps but usually the needs will arise when your apps have more and more functions. The following libraries I recommend are for the minimal setup to develop an application

September 21, 2024

The libraries to install can be categorized as below

UI libraries

UI libraries are absolute needed since it helps you to save time when developing atom things like buttons, text boxes,... There are two types of UI libraries: component libraries and utility first libraries. Component libraries are like Native Base,... Utility first libraries can be listed like NativeWind. My recommendation goes to Tamagui which is the combination of component libraries and utility first.

Tamagui provides all you need for developing an applications from atom components like buttons, texts to scaffolding components like YStack, Xstack,... and commonly used components like Avatar, Card,...

State management

State management is a basic need for many applications. You can always start with builtin react state solutions like local state and React context. The downside of using React context is about performance in large applications. My personal choice for stage management goes to Zustand which provides an easy way to define and integrate in a component as hooks. Zustand provides many integrations with other libraries like immer and persist libraries.

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